Ghana Publishers Association: Call For Short Stories

The Ghana Publishers Association (GPA) as part of its celebration of the 45th Anniversary from March-August, 2021 invites Ghanaian students from junior high schools to write original short stories and submit to the GPA Secretariat. Below are the details of the call:

Submission Period:   15th – 28th February, 2021

Number of Words:    1,000 – 1,500 words

Format:                      The short story in Microsoft Word should include a title, writer’s name, name of school and class, contact number.

Subject:                      Interested students may write on any subject matter.

Note that copying of existing stories and parents or any other person writing for the student is not allowed. The selected short stories will be published as a collection of short stories in a book form and prizes will also be given to the selected writers.

Send your short story to WhatsApp 0267360588. For enquiries call, 0246946773.

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